Saturday, August 31, 2019

Prohibition Research

Others suggested that those who drank should be: D hung by the tongue beneath an airplane and flown over the country o exiled to concentration camps in the Aleutian Islands o excluded from any and all churches o forbidden to marry tortured o branded o whipped o sterilized o tattooed o placed in battleship cages in public squares o forced to swallow two ounces of caster oil a executed, as well as their progeny to the fourth generation. ; A major prohibitionist group, the Women's Christian Temperance Union (WEST) taught as â€Å"scientific fact† that the majority of beer drinkers die from droopier (edema or swelling). Prohibition agents routinely broke the law themselves. They shot innocent people and regularly destroyed citizens' vehicles, homes, businesses, and vii other valuable property. They even illegally sank a large Canadian ship. Bathtub gird' got its name from the fact that alcohol, glycerin and juniper jug was mixed in bottles or jugs too tall to be filled with water from a sink tap so they were commonly filled under a bathtub tap. The speakeasy got its name because one had to whisper a code word or name through a slot in a locked door to gain admittance.Prohibition led to widespread disrespect for law. New York City alone had about thirty thousand (yes, 30,000) speakeasies. And even public leaders flaunted their disregard for the law. They included the Speaker of the united States House of Representatives, who owned and operated an illegal still. Some desperate and unfortunate people during Prohibition falsely believed t hat the undrinkable alcohol in antifreeze could be made safe and drinkable by filtering it through a loaf of bread. It couldn't and many were seriously injured or xi killed as a result.In Los Angels, a jury that had heard a bootlegging case was itself put on trial after it drank the evidence. The jurors argued in their defense that they had simply been sampling the evidence to determine whether or not it contained alcohol, whic h they determined it did. However, because they consumed the evidence, the defendant charged with bootlegging had to be acquitted. When the ship, Washington, was launched, a bottle of water rather than xiii Champagne, was ceremoniously broken across its bow. Prohibition led to a boom in the cruise industry.By taking what were advertise deed as â€Å"cruises to nowhere,† people could legally consume alcohol as soon as the ship entered international waters where they would typically cruise in circles. National Prohibition not only failed to prevent the consumption of alcohol, buy led to the extensive production of dangerous unregulated and untaxed alcohol 01, the development Of organized crime, increased violence, and massive political irruption. The human body produces its own supply of alcohol naturally on a continuous basis, 24 hours a day, seven days a week. Therefore, we always have alcohol in our bodies.Prohibition clearly benefited some people. Notorious bootlegger AY Ca pons made sixty million dollars†¦ Per year (untaxed! ) while the average industrial worker earned less than $1 ,OHO per year. But not everyone benefited. By the time Prohibition was repealed, nearly 800 gangsters in the City of Chicago alone had been killed in battleground shootings. And, of course, thousands of citizens were killed, blinded, or xviii realized as a result of drinking contaminated bootleg alcohol. The â€Å"Father of Prohibition,† Congressman Andrew J. Evolutes, was defeated shortly after Prohibition was imposed.

I Learned About Myself Because of You Essay

â€Å"In America, they want you to accomplish these great feats, to pull off these David Copperfield-type stunts. You want me to be great, but you don’t ever want me to say I’m great?† –Kanye West, Rolling Stone, 2006 In life, people often believe that things should come in golden wrappers and big packages. We want to reach the highest goals and our best dreams such that, we take great pains of effort to achieve those set objectives and goals. Self-centeredness is the name of the game and yet in the end, those who follow this mind-set end up frustrated and alone. Yes, almost everyone wants to be the king of the world; on top of the heap; in the time of our lives. Mediocrity and complacency have no place in our vocabulary as these are only for those without dreams. Now there is absolutely nothing wrong with setting up your own goals, but the caveat is that you do not necessarily have to do it on your own. Indeed, the â€Å"self† is important in our being, but one must also consider how others view you or how others may contribute to one’s being. Remember that we are a social being; we live in co-existence with other people. Likewise, other people live in co-existence with us. Communication is the medium and we, ourselves, are the message. The poem, â€Å"Touching Bottom† teaches exactly this lesson in a quite clever and simple way. Julia Alvarez, the author of the poem, used the ubiquitous activity of hearing in our daily lives as the central act of learning more about ourselves and building up on our personality. â€Å"Sometimes the best advice comes randomly,† she says at the opening line of her poem. This shows how we must be open and sensitive to the tiniest details around us. Case in point: We have our goals, but we must become able receivers of messages from all around us. We must have the ability to transfer those random messages and transform them into systematic interaction for our future activities and/or events in life. After the opening line has aptly introduced the poem, the author then amusingly delivers simple thoughts that any ordinary person would have excused as mere â€Å"blah†: â€Å"Please hold through the silence,† the machine voice said, the best advice I’d ever come across for weathering writer’s block†¦ Words and phrases that seem to be the usual in one instance may be the best advice for another situation in our lives. It takes an effort of sensitivity for the â€Å"others† to be aware of the multitude of unsolicited advices and life lessons we can here at random. Self-centered people may have barred this flow communication from the very first instance. Psychology formally introduced this concept to us as the Johari’s Window. It states that there are several â€Å"windows† we can look to learn about ourselves for self-acknowledgement and self-recognition. To be quite simple about it, we learn about ourselves not just from the self-image we conceive about ourselves, but also how others view us. And most of the time, the inputs really matter most in changing our lives: And yet, I love how words can sound the world, how they can take you deep inside your life: you say something simple, and suddenly, the plank in reason breaks and down you drop – into a liberating train of thought. It takes a matter of humility to accept the things said to you and to transform those words into â€Å"a liberating train of thought.† And again, the self-centered person would have by-passed that train of thought because he is sensitive only to what he thinks, what he does, and what he may do in the future. So, do not let those precious moments of random, but caring, words and thoughts fly by you. The key is to have an open mind, and realize that we still have a lot to learn from even the most obscure person. We all just have to know where to place the words they say in our lives.

Friday, August 30, 2019

Personal Narrative on Morals

As I was walking down church avenue, all I could think about was my Iphoneless pocket. â€Å"Freaking black people,† I mumbled under my breath as to not let the crowds of black people around me hear, â€Å"you can never trust them. † The sight of them just burned my eyes. Them and their sagged pants that looked like they had 100 pound weights in their pockets, disgusting. As I walked on, the only thing that was roaming around my mind was a memory I was trying so hard to forget. It wasn't a full memory though just, bits and pieces. It was of a black kid.I don't remember any of his features, I didn't want to. â€Å"Hey can I make a call,† he said. I wasn't the type of person to judge anyone, I mean why should a person's skin be a factor in anyone's decision to do something. This teenager could have been the nicest person in the world. So I gave him my phone. The memory then cuts to me standing there gasping for air saying, â€Å" Nicest guy in the world my butt. à ¢â‚¬  That was all I remembered, but it was enough. Enough to drive my anger towards black people, which for me, meant my entire neighborhood.How could I have been such an IDIOT, I said in my head as I walked down the block. I should have seen this coming. I mean he was bla-, I was in mid-thought, when suddenly a black woman, who looked like she could lose a few pounds, bumped into me as she was going the direction opposite of me. â€Å"Watch where you're going,† she said. I could hear the anger and annoyance in her voice. My blood started to boil, my heart raced, I was ready to punch someone. I turned towards her â€Å"ARE YOU FREAKING KIDDING ME.Maybe you should lay off the fried chicken † is what I wished to say, but I held my breath. I just stared at her back as she walked away. As I treaded along Church avenue, I spared no black person who came within my line of sight of my racist comments. I didn't care if it was wrong. I mean did that black kid care if it was w rong to steal my phone. Obviously not, because then I wouldn't be walking home phone-less. Did that black lady even bother to care to, oh, I don't know move to the side or say excuse me. NO, she didn't.I mean why shouldn't I judge, I bet black people judge me all the time. I bet that kid who stole my phone had one or two judgments about me. Freaking black people, I said in my head. I finally reached the front of my apartment building. As I entered I noticed this small black kid coming out of the building. When he saw me, he stopped. I recognized him. I didn't know his name, but I knew a thing or two about him. I saw him everyday. Once when I left for school, and once when I came back. Each time I saw him he would say the most random of things about his life.Like how he was in the first grade, or how he thought this one kid named Devon was just the meanest person in the world for throwing a pencil at him. I didn't particularly care much for these facts. Most times he would say someth ing that he thought was funny. Although the things he said weren't funny at all, I went along and smiled anyway. As I looked as this kid, I could find no such fault. You could say he was, in a way, â€Å"stereotypically clean†. â€Å"You know, you look like a person from the wolf people,† he said with a straight face.I don't know if I smiled or not, I may have given a half smile, but I know I replied â€Å"You mean, from Twilight? † â€Å"Yea, from Twilight, the movie about vampires and werewolves. † â€Å"Heh, yea, except I don't have any abs,† I said. This time I knew I was smiling, and I could tell, as he started to smile as well. â€Å"Well, see ya,† he said and walked away. I turned around and watched as he walked down the block and around the corner. That's why Ervin, that's why you shouldn't judge, a voice in my head said. I turned around, walked up the steps to the front door of my building and said, â€Å"yea. †

Thursday, August 29, 2019

What factors have contributed to the rise of prime ministerial power Essay

What factors have contributed to the rise of prime ministerial power - Essay Example This scenario could be attributed to inadequate formal procedure for devolving the powers of the state among the political leaders and civil servants. The prime minister has the duty to watch over, manage and direct the government business. They are responsible for controlling the parliament and the process of drafting the policies (White 88). However, as the party leaders there is an increasing media exposure since the prime ministers are increasingly reporting the progress of the political parties. For example, in some nations like the United Kingdom the prime ministers have assumed unconstitutional powers of chief spokespersons. The media especially television and radio have focused a lot on the prime ministers giving them an opportunity to get in touch with the electorates in order to provide the electorates with the select a leader who will be an effective orator (Strangio, Hart & Walter 264). Therefore, the emerging need to have a prime minister who can communicate effectively has amplified the influence of the prime ministers. The mandates of the prime ministers are clearly stipulated in the laws. The prime minister is the leader of the government operations and is in s/he coordinates the party issues in order to strengthen both the party and the government (White 96). They are responsible for selecting and controlling the operations of the cabinet. Although the roles of the prime ministers are clarified in the constitution, there are day-to-day political issues which require the effort of the executives in order to come up with a quick solution. Prime minister is the senior executive in the government hence s/he is charged with authority to find the required solution because the constitution cannot be amended on a daily basis to provide a solution to the emerging issues (Samuels & Shugart 254). The fact that the prime minister has to make some

Wednesday, August 28, 2019

Individual theories of delinquency Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Individual theories of delinquency - Essay Example The choice theories have their basis on criminology classical school. The main emphasize here is on one’s potential to come up with certain choices. According to these theories, delinquency and various antisocial behaviour results from different traits and processes that are biological such as the dysfunction of the brain and several others. The psychological theories just like the choice theories mainly traces the delinquency causes on different factors in an individual. However, the key focus is mainly on the individual’s intelligence, temperament and juvenile personality. According to Siegel and Welsh (2010), the first explanation of crime was that individuals make various choices with regard to their behaviour. The assumption was that every individual has the free will in choosing behaviour and that those who opt to violate the law were driven mainly by their own greed, survival, vengeance or even morals. Cesare Beccaria and Jeremy Bentham who were utilitarian philosophers argued that in most cases individuals consider their action’s consequences before making any move on behaviour course. The scholars’writings formed the ancient classical criminology basis. Currently it is known as the rational choice theory. Choice theory assumption is that individual’s behaviour is a consequence that is directly linked to one’s conscious decisions either to be involved or not in a specific behaviour. According to the criminology classical school, the juveniles are people who are rational and intelligent with great potential to come up with different choices. Hence, this theory insists that before any action, young individuals calculate their behaviours costs and benefits. This theory further adds that crime is the outcome of supposing that greater gains will result from disobeying the law rather than following it. In most

Tuesday, August 27, 2019

Jobs and Career Goals Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Jobs and Career Goals - Essay Example This begs the question, when is it right for an individual to focus on financial progress and when should the family be given time? This question has arisen as more and more families find themselves in a state of disconnection with one another as a result of spending a decreasing amount of time with each other (Latshaw, 2011). The argument can be made that the time taken away from the family is placed in providing for their needs but it can also be stated that the physical presence of an individual in a relationship can be one of those needs. The economic downturn has also affected those yet without families but looking to start one as well (Gerson, 2011). This is because the increase in hours that an individual has to work in order to make ends meet has in turn decreased the amount of time that they have to go out and socialize with people thus denying them the opportunity to meet potential partners. There are a number of ways in which working long hours can have an impact on an ind ividual’s lifestyle (Rampell, 2013). Some of these include the fact that the longer hours will mean that by the time an individual gets through the day they are too tired to do any socializing. This decreases the chances they have of meeting potential partners. ... a person goes without socializing the more awkward they are likely to be when given the opportunity so it can be said that a long term result of the long hours is that an individual is left a little â€Å"rusty† in their social skills especially with jobs that based in solitary environments. The marriage of an individual is also affected by long working hours and they are number of considerations that should be taken into account for couples that find themselves in such a situation. The first is always finding time for your spouse despite the busy schedule one may have (Estes, 2011). This will make an individual feel loved and appreciated as they can see the individual making an effort to make time for them despite the other responsibilities that they may have. Communication is also another very important tool that should be used in the battle against long working hours versus marriages (Rampell, 2013). Keeping in touch with one’s spouse on a fairly regular basis allows both sides to sync up their plans for the day and if possible find a time of the day where both parties are free to meet up (Gerson, 2011). In today’s society the financial turmoil has made it so that in most households both parents have to work and as such it is essential that both spouses respect each other’s jobs so as to avoid any form of tension that may arise from doing otherwise. The most important thing to remember is that a successful marriage requires time and effort from both sides and thus it is essential that both parties find time to be together. There is also a third party that may be potentially involved when dealing with matters of family and that is the children. The children in a family can be seen as the binding thread that ties a relationship together in some instances and it

Monday, August 26, 2019

Bhopal Union Carbide Case Study Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Bhopal Union Carbide Case Study - Essay Example With an incidental accident occurring in the year 1984, in Union Carbide Chemical Factory, in Bhopal in India, a lethal chemical gas was released in the air killing and injuring thousands of people who were living in the region. While several individuals were killed, thousands of others suffered from severe health illnesses even till death. The company was held responsible for the incident considering their lack of sincerity and effectiveness in maintenance of the equipments and units that caused the leakage on one hand and on the other hand could not prevent the spread of the chemical as well. Although the US Union Carbide Company had its holdings in the Indian Company; yet it was the Indian company and its members who were accountable for the incident (Bhopal-Union Carbide Case Study). The present study focuses on studying and analyzing the case and discuss on the ethical issues associated with the incident, and also issues such as liability of the members, the effect on the workfo rce, the effect on the management, and ways to reduce negativity. Analysis of the Case: As could be obtained from this particular case, the Indian Union Carbide Company can be said to have neglected severe issues in relation to the maintenance of its units and equipments which was significantly necessary as the factory was dealing with harmful chemicals. The management of the company should have been careful to understand that the slightest of the leakages or malfunctioning of the units or equipments could lead to such massacre. Particularly, when individuals were working within the factory, and also there were people living in the surroundings, the company should not have neglected even any minor issue in regard to handling of the chemicals and their leakages. It could be obtained from the case study that the company had been performing well initially and opportunities of jobs were also increased for the Indians at a time when the welfare of India could not be considered as healthy . However, gradually negligence occurred in the activities of the company and few years before the incident even the US inspectors detected faults and warned them of areas that needed repairing and monitoring. But, the Indian company did not take such warnings seriously and the result was the accident. It is clear from the case that if the company had been careful in its handling of chemicals, and in maintaining their units and equipments, then the incident would not have occurred in the first place. Even if it occurred, the company could have prevented the spread of the chemical in the air, but no equipments worked at that time. Hence the Indian company was to be blamed and was blamed, an incident that has left several lives into suffering till the present day. Ethical Issues Raised by the Case: The most essential ethical issue that could be observed from the case study is in regard to the responsibility of the company to provide for protection of the human lives. The company effec tively failed to protect the lives of its employees. Not only that, the company also proved to be inefficient in protecting its environment as the incident killed hundreds and injured thousands of people residing in the surroundings, affecting the entire area. Ethical issue arises as such an incident clearly reflects that the company had not been sincere in following and maintaining the safety procedures that it needed to. The focus of the company was only on increased production of pesticides and hence gained profits. Thus profits were given more value by the company than the protection and safety of human lives. The company did not care to ensure the fundamental standards of safety in the factory. Moreover, although the company was under the holding of its American company, yet the standards set by the American firm were not followed by the Indian company. Ethical issues can also be raised to be in the way the factory was built in a surrounding where so many people resided. The

Sunday, August 25, 2019

Film Journal about the movie called Memento Review

Film Journal about the called Memento - Movie Review Example He is narrating the scene rather than talking from himself. To his right is a pull out lamp that is attached to the wall and it has a soft, somewhat fuzzy light. The wall behind him has an unframed "something" that may be a diploma but it is not necessary to know what it is because the main character is what is important in the scene. When the woman talks the camera reframes to her and the background is blurred so that the audience only looks at the woman. She is speaking in the film but in a voice that is almost a whisper. The room in the scene is spars to keep the audience focused on the main character. For the remainder of the scene the audience must concentrate on the face of Sammys wife until the camera switches back to the main character. The film uses a nonlinear narrative and this scene is one of the many black and white scenes that are telling the story and it is one of the scenes that are told in chronological order. There is no sound in this scene beyond the talking but the use of light is important. In this seen the light gives sharp contrasts with shadows and they amplify the main characters loneliness and his mood while he is talking to Sammys wife. The movie shows black and white scenes in chronological order and scenes in color in reverse chronological order. The importance of this scene is that it is one of the "investigative" moments that the main character is using to attempt to bring his memory back. It is less complicated than other black and white scenes and it is shorter. The scene is a small snippet or segment that is important to moving the plot because the audience needs to see all the characters to determine who may be the killer. This scene is about halfway through the movie and it is important to show all of the "characters" that were a part of the build up to the main characters revelation about himself. This scene also shows that the main character is doing a thorough job of interviewing each

Saturday, August 24, 2019

Thucydides, the peloponnesian war, the Melian Dialogue ( Book 5, Essay

Thucydides, the peloponnesian war, the Melian Dialogue ( Book 5, chapter 17) - Essay Example The Melians was a colony of many islands, but Athens wouldn’t submit to them. They remained neutral and didn’t s tussle with the people. Athenians used violence to evict the Melians from their territory and this made the Melians change their attitude and became hostile. In the Melian dialogue, Athenians demanded the Melians to give up on their city and compensate them for the destruction caused in the city. In response, the Melians claimed that they would remain neutral and not become enemies so instead they offered friendship. The Athenians argued that they would look weak and the people would undermine their strength, if they accepted the Melians to be neutral and independent (Crawley 2). The Melians countered that it would be a shame and an act of cowardice if they surrendered without a fight. Thucydides stated that, if such an action is taken to keep your empire and your people will not be free and will subdued to slavery, then the people who are free will be considered cowards and weak if they fail to face everything. The Athenians responded and stated that the debate wasn’t about honor, but of self-preservation. The Melians stated that the Athenians were strong and they could easily win. In response, the Athenians stated that the strong were hopeful and the weak Melians were hopeless and outnumbered. The Melians responded that they had great help from their gods, but Thucydides stated that trust in god would give prosperity for those who stood for the right and not wrong. The Athenians response to the Melians was that gods and man value strength over integrity and the strong can make it but the weak suffer (Crawley 3-4). The Melians argued that the Spartans would come and aid them in their defense. The Athenians responded to this by stating that the Spartans had little to their advantage and more to lose by aiding the Melians. The Athenians concluded that there was nothing wrong in getting a strong enemy, but this statement didn’t change

Friday, August 23, 2019

VIS 2 Final Paper Article Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

VIS 2 Final Paper - Article Example This piece of work is characterized by stained glass that provides vibrant views hence creating a sense of feeling to the audience. In addition, the stained glass has vibrant patterns that shine upon someone teeth, characterizing the essence of paint. This piece of artistic work reminds me of one the greatest actress known as Linda Montana. This is one of the outstanding actress well known for artistically work such as â€Å"Pennies from Heaven performed in the year 1981 and â€Å"Americathon† in the year 1979 among others. Linda Montana has articulated real life situations through her acting perception. My stained glass of cathedral artistic work, gives us a clear understanding that the colors and clarity of artistically unveiled work speaks a lot to the audience (Howie, 102- 113). In addition, this artist is one of the greatest performing artists ever heard as far as the artistically work is of concern. This artist has performed outstanding piece of work especially in the year 2010 when she unveiled their artistically work entitled â€Å"The Artist is present.† Through this work, we learn that each and every artistically work passes a message to the audience. Like on my artistically work, the stained glass of cat hedral has vibrant patterns that shine upon someone teeth’s, characterizing the essence of paint and this is a point of attractions that creates the essence of eagerness as far as the audience is of concern (Jongh and Gold,  282 - 287). Various lifetime projects including â€Å"Seedbed† was unveiled by Linda Montana on the purpose of involving public in the production of work by creating a situation of reciprocal interchange among the artists and viewer. Various piece of work produced and acted by various artists symbolizes either an event or a moment of remembrance. I was one of the lucky people here on earth to share a piece of moment with grandfather before he died. He was a man full of joy and he loved most

Planning and Design Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Planning and Design - Essay Example It enables to prepare an efficient schedule for completing the project within a specified time (Public Procurement Guide, 2008). Resource Planning In this stage, the management should be focused on determining required materials or resources, laborers and tools that are required in each step of the project. This step would be useful for making proper allocation of available resources in required places. It would also facilitate to avoid any improper allocation and wastage of valuable resources so that the project completes in time (Public Procurement Guide, 2008). Cost Planning Preparation of plan with respect to allocation and use of cost is one of the vital parts for the management in the project plan. The stage comprises proper identification of required costs including internal and external costs. It also enables to make assessment of the amount of time required to complete the project, so estimation can be made regarding the budget of the project and whether the project would re quire over-budgeting or not (Public Procurement Guide, 2008). b. ... With this concern, Spencer Moneysworth consulted with Expert Industrial Developers (EID) regarding making an estimation of cash flow chart for the project. However, the EID provided an estimated plan of USD20 million with a schedule of 18 months for the project. However, the intention for Woody 2000 project was to prepare the project within USD17 million by including one million for first and last month and USD1.4 million each within the rest 10 months during the project. Moreover, the cost planning of EID depicts an excessive use of capital along with making an estimation of longer schedule for the plan including professional services and construction works. With this concern, it can be said that there is a requirement for making evaluation of available alternatives in terms of accessible contractors that can provide lowest possible cost with efficient time schedule for the project. In the successive phases of the project, the aspect of proper time scheduling would be crucial as it can largely affect positive or negatively on the factors such as project budget, delay and accessibility of resources among others (Public Procurement Guide, 2008). c. Did the project plan explain how the project and any changes would be controlled? Should this be part of the plan? Give reasons. The overall plan for the Woody 2000 project explains the facet of bringing in changes by involving software as well as hardware to efficiently complete the project related tasks. By appointing Ian Leadbetter, a mechanical engineer, specialized in ‘programming semi automatic manufacturing machinery’, efficiency in the whole process of project schedule was desired to be brought. This aspect

Thursday, August 22, 2019

Josef Mengele †the Angel of Death Essay Example for Free

Josef Mengele – the Angel of Death Essay After the war many Nazi doctors were tried at Nuremberg, for war crimes and crimes against humanity. Yet the man who became the most infamous Nazi doctor — although Hitler himself may never heard of him — fled to South America and escaped prosecution. He was never caught and convicted, though he lived for decades thereafter. Mengele, called Uncle by the countless children he subjected to gruesome experiments and unthinkable torture, and known as the Angel of Death in the concentration camps, was responsible for the torture and deaths of 400,000 people, and the torment of thousands more. The most important thing to note about Mengele is that he was not an isolated example of an evil maniac gone berserk. He was simply part of a system and a much wider network of Nazi doctors. His work may have been different from those of the other doctors only in quantitative terms not qualitative terms. Today, the Auschwitz experiments of Josef Mengele remain the most egregious example of the collaboration of unscrupulous researchers with equally unscrupulous senior scientists and prestigious scientific institutions – which is a phenomenon that could be happening on a wide scale in our own times, especially in matters of drug trials of giant pharmaceutical corporations. In 1947, the world learned of what is now the most infamous scandal in medical research: medical experiments conducted by Nazi doctors. Nazi doctors performed a variety of extremely disturbing experiments on prisoners in concentration camps. Some experiments were designed to further the war effort. For example, to study gunshot wounds, Nazi doctors shot inmates and examined their wounds. To study diseases such as typhus, Nazi doctors intentionally infected inmates with disease. To study human capacity to withstand exposure to cold, Nazi doctors stripped inmates and exposed them to icy water or blizzards. However, the majority of experiments had less to do with winning the war and more to do with promoting or substantiating Nazi ideology. Doctors were interested in sterilizing undesirables, curing homosexuality, and establishing anthropological differences between races. To find an effective means of mass sterilization, Nazi doctors injected hundreds of women with a caustic substance in the hope of obstructing their fallopian tubes, and inflicted severe burns and infections on both male and female prisoners by exposing them to high doses of radiation. To cure homosexuality, Nazi doctors injected hormones into inmates suspected of being homosexual. To catalog physical differences in race, Nazi doctors killed a number of prisoners, stripped the flesh off their bones, and saved their skeletons for an anthropological museum. Dr. Mengele is among the best known SS physicians at Auschwitz, and was responsible along with other SS doctors for selections and medical experiments that used prisoners as guinea pigs. Mengele could never have thought of himself as a monstrous psychopath, though, but only as a biomedical scientist participating in a broad program of racial research. During the Holocaust Mengele and many other Nazi physicians used thousands of camp inmates, especially those with disabilities and deformities as subjects for their biomedical racial research. Born in the Swabian section of Bavaria in 1911 into an upper middle-class family, Mengele eventually earned two doctorates. The first doctorate was in physical anthropology at Munich under Theodor Mollison in 1935 and the second was in medicine at Frankfurt under Otmar Freiherr von Verschuer in 1938. He received his license to practice medicine in late 1937 but apparently did not pursue certification in a specialty. Instead, he opted for research. As a student of anthropology, he had studied under the leading exponents of the life unworthy of living† theory and it greatly influenced his thinking and behavior. The notion that some lives were not worth living was rapidly becoming academically acceptable. His two dissertation supervisors were eugenicists, and his dissertations in anthropology at Munich and in medicine at Frankfurt both dealt with research in racial hygiene. After finishing his second doctorate, Mengele continued his research in Verschuers Frankfurt Institute for Hereditary Biology and Race Hygiene. As principal investigator, Verschuer supervised the research of numerous assistants under a variety of DFG (Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft German Research Foundation) research grants. Verschuer’s 1938 report to the DFG on this sponsored research, focusing on the genetic study of twins and families, lists the work and publications of his assistant Mengele. Although Mengele did not join the Nazi party until 1938, he belonged to the brown-shirt storm troopers, the SA, during 1933-34 and in 1938 joined the SS. As an SS member, he was drafted during the war into the Waffen SS instead of the Wehrmacht, advancing by 1943 to the rank of captain (Hauptstrumfuhrer). He served as an SS physician to the Eastern front until he was wounded and therefore posted to the concentration camp death head units in the rear. He functioned during 1943-1944 as one of the SS physicians at the Auschwitz-Birkenau extermination camp. In his new post, Mengele performed the usual duties of a concentration camp SS physician as well as the special Auschwitz assignment of directing selections for the gas chamber. In addition, Auschwitz opened up unlimited opportunities for the ambitious researcher. Research subjects were available in large numbers, and the restraints of medical ethics did not apply. Further, Mengele could compel highly skilled inmate physicians to design and conduct research, perform tests and autopsies, and produce research papers, without the need to share credit with them. It is therefore not surprising that Mengele used Auschwitz as a research laboratory. Otmar von Verschuer, Mengeles mentor who was himself a protege of Eugen Fischer, had left Frankfurt for Berlin in 1942 to succeed Fischer as director of the Kaiser Wilhelm Institute of Anthropology. Mengele had worked at the institute during SS assignments to Berlin and thus continued to contribute to Verschuers research projects (Cefrey 62). When Mengele went to Auschwitz, Vershuer realized the potential of this posting, and as principal investigator, he carried Mengeles Auschwitz experiments on his DFG grants. Therefore, Mengele’s experiments — that often necessitated the killing of children, thousands of them (especially twins) — were part of the official program and in pursuing his shockingly macabre â€Å"research† he was only following the broad lines of Nazi research agenda. Driven by the desire to advance his medical career by scientific publications, Dr Mengele began to conduct all kinds of utterly atrocious medical experiments on living Jews, children, twins, disabled people, and all those who fell into the Nazi category of ‘Untermenschen’ – all of whom he took from the barracks of the concentration camp at Auschwitz, or ‘selected’ right away on their arrival, and brought to his hospital block. Mengele used the pretext of medical treatment to kill thousands upon thousands of prisoners, personally administering the horrific torture procedures, for example as by injecting them with phenol, petrol, chloroform, or by ordering SS medical orderlies to do so. From the moment of his arrival at Auschwitz, Mengele joined the other SS officers and SS doctors, among them Dr Clauberg and Dr Kremer, in the selection of Jews reaching the Auschwitz railway junction from all over Europe. With a movement of the hand or the wave of a stick, he indicated as unfit for work, and thus destined for immediate death in the gas chambers, all children, old people, sick, crippled and weak Jews, and all pregnant women. Between May 1943 and November 1944 Mengele conducted, also along with Dr. Heinz Thilo, scores of such selections. Mengele was especially on the lookout for twins and other promising research subjects (Lifton 165). He also took an equally decisive part in several selections in the camp infirmary, pointing out for death by shooting, injection or gassing those Jews whose strength had been sapped by starvation, force labor, untreated illness or ill-treatment by the guards. On May 26, 1943, only two days after he arrived at Aushwitz, Mengele committed his first mass murder. There was a typhoid epidemic in the barracks of over a thousand Gypsies who had been brought to the camp two months earlier. For Dr Mengele, typhoid was not an illness to be cured, but one to be eliminated; that day, all the Gypsies were dragged out of their barracks and driven to the gas chambers. Against their names in the camp register were put the letters SB Sondebehandlung, Special Treatment. This was just a sign of much worse things to come. In perpetrating a host of such ghastly medical and scientific experiments, Mengele was of course being an independent member of a larger cohort of wanton butchers. These Nazi doctors most brazenly forsook their Hippocratic Oath and armed themselves with scalpels, forceps, and needles in inflicting immeasurable pain and torture on hundreds of thousands of innocent people, a significant portion of them being children. Mengele regularly mailed the results of his research on twins to the Kaiser Wilhelm Institute. There scientists analyzed the samples of blood obtained before death and the organs obtained after dissection. It was a systematic, organized and purposeful enterprise. Though few of these doctors collected scientifically valid data and many of the experiments were expressions of pure pathological sadism, the Nazi doctors justified their acts of torture and inhumanity as attempts to improve German medicine and advance science. Mengele himself, through his research on twins, dreamed of being able to genetically engineer a flawless race. The ultimate goal was to produce an ideal race of Aryan men and women endowed with only the finest genetic traits, who would rapidly multiply and rule the world. (Lagnado, Dekel 61) Of the approximately 350 doctors who are estimated to have committed medical crimes, only about 20 doctors and 3 assistants were brought to justice in Nuremberg (Spitz 50). Some others were tried, and sentenced to in American military trials at Dachau. Still many doctors escaped, including one who would become the most infamous of them all, Dr. Josef Mengele. Human experimentation neither arose with the Nazis, nor ended with them; however, the history of human experimentation in the West is usually divided into two eras: before the Nazis and after. Mengele is by no means such a grotesque aberration as he may appear to be at first. Nazi doctors perpetrated some of the most horrendous actions during the Third Reich, but the shadows of Auschwitz and Nuremberg are long. Though Mengele escaped scot-free, we at least know about his evil deeds; there may be many others of his ilk alive today and even working in collaboration with reputed organizations whose work we may never even come to know. Works Cited Cefrey, Holly. â€Å"Doctor Josef Mengele: The Angel of Death† New York : The Rosen Publishing Group, 2001 Lagnado, Lucette Matalon; Dekel, Sheila Cohn. â€Å"Children of the Flames: Dr. Josef Mengele and the Untold Story of the Twins of Auschwitz. † New York : Penguin Books, 1992 Lifton, Robert Jay. â€Å"The Nazi Doctors: Medical Killing and the Psychology of Genocide† New

Wednesday, August 21, 2019

Dementia Care Co-ordination

Dementia Care Co-ordination Dementia is perplexing condition and individuals with dementia have pro care needs. Individuals with dementia seek for the support and consideration they get to empower them to stay free, dynamic and socially locked in. Suppositions ought not be made that individuals with dementia cant appreciate a decent personal satisfaction or express needs and inclinations. This is valid at each phase of a mans dementia. The Alzheimers Society 2010 report my name is not dementia discovered individuals with dementia at each stage could express sentiments about their personal satisfaction. Research with individuals with dementia did to educate the advancement of the 2010 National Dementia Declaration plot key goals communicated by individuals with dementia, including: I realize that administrations are planned around me and my needs. I have support that helps me carry on with my life. Guaranteeing consideration is concentrated around requirements is a more noteworthy need for consideration in consideration homes and in individuals own particular homes. In healing facilities, consideration ought to be concentrated around guaranteeing individuals with dementia can be upheld to come back to the group when they are capable. Assessment: This position proclamation layouts Alzheimers Societys open strategy position on the formal consideration of individuals with dementia and the central standards which ought to underlie such care, independent of the earth in which it is given. Individuals with dementia are frequently visit beneficiaries of formal consideration gave by wellbeing and social administrations. Formal consideration is given by paid staff, for example, medical attendants and consideration specialists, working either in consideration settings, for example, clinics and consideration homes, or in individuals own homes. Alzheimers Society accepts that formal consideration of individuals with dementia ought to hold fast to the accompanying standards: Provided by staff prepared in giving great dementia care, who have entry to expert backing Focused on addressing needs and goals Promoting of respect and regard and keeping up human rights Closely facilitated between diverse experts and administrations crosswise over wellbeing, social care and lodging. Planning Allocating proper administrations or assets to address issues. Involvement of family/ whanau and carers and multidisciplinary group, for example, social specialists, physiotherapist Involve person in planning. Dominant part of the consideration gave to individuals dementia originates from casual carers, individuals with dementia are noteworthy clients of formal consideration administrations. Formal consideration is given via care specialists, nursing staff or other wellbeing and social consideration experts. It can constitute individual consideration, helping the individual with ordinary undertakings, for example, getting washed or dressed, or can comprise of medicinal or nursing consideration. The accurate way of formal consideration and who is in charge of giving it will rely on upon the consideration settings and the singulars particular needs. While there are numerous cases of fantastic quality consideration, time after time we catch wind of formal care not being centered around addressing individuals requirements and goals, and failings in treating individuals with nobility and appreciation. Guaranteeing individuals with dementia get great consideration, gave by suitably prepared staf f, is crucial to meeting the test of dementia. Where consideration is not of adequate quality, it can have antagonistic repercussions for individuals with dementia and their carer. Deficient or poor consideration can deny individuals with dementia open doors for a decent personal satisfaction and lead to higher general consideration costs through right on time admissions to give a second thought homes and avoidable admissions to healing center. Deficient and poor consideration can likewise affect on the physical and psychological well-being of carers. Where formal consideration does address issues, it can add to keeping up individuals with dementias personal satisfaction, serving to hold their freedom and conceivably diminishing weight on all the more exorbitant consideration settings, for example, intense clinics. Coordination Professional/ carer connection up individual with accessible environment/ association assets. Structured settings for people with higher bolster needs. Improve accessibility and access of assets in the group. Following up with Drs arrangement. Staff trained in providing good dementia care that has access to specialist support Individuals with dementia have pro needs and staff giving formal consideration to individuals with dementia must have sufficient preparing and backing in the event that they are to give great consideration. Individuals with dementia may encounter issues imparting and may battle to express their inclinations and needs. They might likewise show behavioral and mental indications of dementia, which should be comprehended in the event that they are to be reacted to properly. Staff working with individuals with dementia ought to see how to correspond with individuals with dementia to inspire sees about their inclinations and needs. Inability to properly speak with the individual with dementia can bring about improper choices being made about their consideration and pessimistic results for the individual with dementia. For instance, care laborers or nursing staff neglecting to perceive that a man with dementia is in agony or pain will most likely be unable to react to mitigate that torment, or staff may react to behavioral indications of dementia with antipsychotic drug, instead of looking to give individual focused consideration. Where staff are prepared and upheld, they increase more noteworthy prize from giving consideration to individuals dementia, prompting lower rates of turnover and more noteworthy coherence of consideration. Proper preparing and bolster additionally advances the procurement of respect and sympathy in nurturing individuals with dementia. Alzheimers Society accepts that preparation ought to be required though staff giving formal couldnt care less to individuals with dementia, this is particularly essential for new staff who might not have any experience working with individuals with dementia. Magistrates ought to guarantee forefront consideration staff have admittance to pro backing, for instance through authorizing group and healing facility psychological well-being contact groups. Those giving consideration administrations ought to consider minimal effort and free wellsprings of data, for instance assets gave by Alzheimers Society Strengths: Improves access to give a second thought from group to clinic and the other way around Supports emotional correspondence in the middle of individual and health awareness administrations Weakness: Still progressing research about adequacy of consideration coordination Different capabilities, abilities and encounters of careworker. RIGHTS BASED APPROACH OF DEMENTIA Alzheimer crusades to guarantee that all enactment, arrangement and procedures influencing individuals living with dementia are supported by human rights. A human rights based methodology is about making individuals mindful of their rights, whilst expanding the responsibility of people and establishments who are in charge of regarding, ensuring and satisfying rights. Assessment It mirrors the guidelines officially set by the United Nations and other universal instruments by perceiving: The need to advance and secure the human privileges of all persons with handicaps, including the individuals who require more concentrated backing. Individuals with incapacities must be ensured the fullest conceivable acknowledgment of their human rights including a chance to partake in and add to society, and where essential, with the most astounding feasible standard of consideration. That victimization any individual on the premise of incapacity is an infringement of the characteristic respect and worth of the human individual. Human rights not being met. Individuals entitlement to pick who to be included in their evaluation and plan, for example, family/ support individual. Identifies fairness and assorted qualities issues. planning Adjusting singulars rights with wellbeing experts and group rights Boost investment and strengthening Participation Everyone has the privilege to take part in choices which influence them. Investment must be without dynamic, important and offer thoughtfulness regarding issues of openness, incorporating access to data in a structure and a dialect which can be caught on. Accountability Requires successful checking of human rights measures and viable solutions for human rights breaks Non-separation and balance A human rights based methodology implies that all types of segregation in the acknowledgment of rights must be disallowed, anticipated and killed. Empowerment Individuals and groups ought to comprehend their rights and ought to be completely bolstered to take an interest in the advancement of strategy and practices which influence their lives. Legality A human rights based methodology requires the acknowledgment of rights as legitimately enforceable qualifications and is connected into national and worldwide human rights law. Coordination The UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (UNCRPD) is the first human rights bargain of the 21st Century setting out and avowing the privileges of individuals with handicaps. Alzheimers Disease International (ADI) is the global league of more than 80 Alzheimer relationship around the globe, looking to address dementia on a worldwide level. The association has built up authority relations with the World Health Organization (WHO) and enrollment of the Non-Communicable Diseases Alliance (NCD Alliance). Strengths: †¢ Human right rules guarantee people have entry to health awareness and assets. †¢ Holds association/ offices responsible for creating approaches and projects predictable with human rights. Weakness: †¢ Conflicts for wellbeing experts when arrangement not meeting rights to get to give a second thought. †¢ Availability of assets to ensure human rights are met. Other informations (Care Coordination and Rights based approach of DEMENTIA ) Individuals with dementia may need support and administrations to empower them to carry on with a decent personal satisfaction. Care coordination and Rights based methodology is intended to give a person with dementia a chance to live and make the most of their life without bounds without stresses. Guarantee that individuals with dementia will have a superb quality care and administrations to support their needs, in this manner keeping up the personal satisfaction. COMPARISON OF TWO MODELS: Today human services is seen as an item to be bought and patients until now seen as latent beneficiaries of social insurance have transformed into engaged customers. As shoppers the customers summon the consideration of suppliers and medicinal services administrators who have an obligation to guarantee their fulfillment. Additionally like purchasers it has been noticed that health awareness customers are getting progressively connected with rights, force and strengthening. Their present status empowers them to take control of their circumstances and accomplish their own particular objectives. It watched that it additionally empowers them to work towards the expansion of the nature of their lives. Utilizing their energy, customers interest for good quality human services: their interest is upheld by the World Health Organization, Alma Ata affirmation of 1978, and the constitution of the World Health Organization (1966). The last, expressed that, great wellbeing is a privilege out of every other person on earth. This is translated to mean a privilege to accessibility, openness and moderateness of good quality health awareness. It takes after that human services ought to be given in a manner that is satisfactory and agreeable to the buyer, who likewise has the force of decision. Literary works flourish on the customers energy of decision (Rogers, 1993, Melville 1997). Nonetheless, suffice it to note that the customer as a shopper utilizes this energy to choose in the middle of options and picks what gives him/her best fulfillment. This was additionally noted by Alagbe (2001), who refering to the Law of negligible utility expressed that Customers are reasonable and can gauge the utility or fulfillment they get from every thing expended, and given an aggregate objectivity buyers choose a mix of products and administrations that will amplify their fulfillment. WHO concentrate on the privileges of individuals, as opposed to the needs of recipients. Its a vital qualification, in light of the fact that an unfulfilled need prompts disappointment, while a right that is not regarded prompts an infringement.

Tuesday, August 20, 2019

The Social Construction Of Older Age

The Social Construction Of Older Age Discuss the social construction of older age and how this should then contribute to anti-discriminatory social work practice How has older age been socially and historically constructed? The biological perspective of ageing believes that the process of aging is a biological fact which is universal and affects all people. It takes the view that aging is a fundamental, progressive process which continuous throughout life (Lymbery, M 2005). The biological approach believes that as a person ages there is a decline in function as cells degenerate. Therefore, this approach views age as connected to a state of dependency and weakness with no possibility for improvement (Crawford, K and J, Walker 2004). However, in contrast there are other perspectives which take into account other elements such as the social construction of old age. For example, the introduction of retirement meant that clear boundaries were created which defined the point at which a person enters older age. Also, other dev elopments in the welfare system such as the provision of pensions, have further defined the concept of old age. Therefore, the end of employment and the start of retirement can be seen as a major influence in the way older age has been socially constructed (Lymbery M 2005). Crawford and Walker (2004) believe that the way in which older age has been historically constructed impacts upon the current view and treatment of older people in todays society. They note that during the Middle Ages, older people were cared for by either charities or religious institutions. The Poor Law Act, introduced in 1601, transferred the responsibility of the care of older people within the family, to care within the community. This meant that older people were now cared for by their local parish, as families were unable to support them due to the financial risks of agricultural based society. Workhouses were then introduced for individuals who were seen as needy and unproductive members of society. This included groups such as older people, the sick and those who were disabled. As there were no welfare system in existence, this meant that older people had to reside in workhouses as they had no other means of support. As the demand for care rose, the Poor Lawn Amendment Act in 1834 was introduced in attempt to cut costs by eliminating outdoor relief, this meant that older people were no longer able to receive support in their own homes and those in need of welfare were institutionalised in workhouse. This resulted in older people being viewed as a burden on society as they no longer had power, choice or control over they way they lived their lives (Crawford, K and J, Walker 2004). According to Phillipson (1998), the concept of old age being a separate group within society only surfaced during the end of the nineteenth century. As highlighted by Slater (1930 cited Phillipson, C. 1998) up until this period both the welfare provision for the sick, and the welfare provision for the elderly, were classified in the same way with no distinction between the two groups. Slater believes that it was at this point that societies found it necessary to end sickness benefit when an individual reaches 65, and to replace this with old age pension. The Old Age Pension Act was introduced in 1908 and provided all citizens who were over the age of seventy with up to five shillings a week if their income was under ten shillings a year. However, although this provided support for older people, the view held by society was to remain in work until they were unable to do so due to physical difficulties. Therefore, this resulted in older people who did not work being viewed in a negative way, as they were looked upon as useless due to the belief that they were either too stupid or too weak to work (Crawford, K and J, Walker 2004). It was during the twentieth century when older people began to be seen as different in they way they experienced and held an inferior status within society. It was found that through this period in time, one in five people who had reached the age of seventy were very poor and were a recipient of state welfare, and the likelihood rose significantly for those who were seventy-five, to a chance of one in three. This meant that circumstances such as being in poverty and experiencing marginalisation were seen as inevitable as an individual entered later adulthood, which provided the basis for which the concept of older age was constructed. What are the consequences for people in terms of social disadvantage? Older people face social disadvantage in many ways, such as infantilisation. This refers to a process in which adults are treated as though they were a child. This is a form of oppression as it demeans older people by assuming that they are fundamentally different from other adults and are therefore less worthy of respect (Thompson, S 2005). For example, the desexualisation of older age plays a key role in infantilisation. This is because old age is seen as a second stage of childhood, with an inappropriate link with sexuality, which further reaffirms the idea that older people are not adults. However, as sex is seen as an action of the healthy, this also reinforces the idea that older people are unwell, dependent and frail and further excludes them from sexuality. This illustrates they way in which older people are seen to be in need of support and reliant on others, similar to the conventions of childhood (Gott, M 2005). Also, by referring to older people by names such as dearie, i t can be degrading as the person using the term automatically assumes that the individual does not mind being referred to in this way, which can be seen as disrespectful and inconsiderate of their feelings. (Thompson, S 2005) Marginalisation is also another way through which older people face social disadvantage. Marginalisation is a form of social exclusion, and is used to describe the way in which people are pushed to the margins of society, which then prevents them from taking part in activities (Thompson, S 2005). When referring to older people, this is the process where older people are excluded from society due to preconceived ideas that they have no use, and are therefore a burden to society (Thompson, N 2006). There are many ways in which older people can experience marginalisation within society. For example, Thompson (2005) highlights the lack of suitable transport for many elderly people. This can mean that they are isolated from the rest of the community as the public transport is either inaccessible or unsuitable. This shows how older people can be marginalised due to factors they are unable to control, such structural problems within society. Dehumanisation is also another factor of social disadvantage in older people. This is because it gives older people a label of being elderly, to which the individual is then viewed in terms of this label and not as a person with unique thoughts, emotions and needs. Dehumanisation can have adverse consequences as it fails to identify that each person is different, which can cause discrimination and oppression due to its impersonal and stereotypical viewpoint Abuse of older people is a further way in which people of an older age may face disadvantages in society. Abuse in elderly people can be physical, psychological, sexual, emotional or financial. The underlying factor in this type of abuse is the exploitation of a comparatively vulnerable group within society. The people who carry out this abuse believe that older people within society are inferior with no requirement for respect (Thompson, S 2005). The No Secrets document (DoH 2000 cited in Crawford, K and J, Walker 2004) was created as guidance on how to implement and adhere to procedures to help protect vulnerable adults from abuse, and also clarify definitions, which would enable authorities to carry out good practice. According to Hothersall and Mass-Lowit (2010), older people who are isolated, reliant on others, have poor health, or who are considered disabled are more likely to be abused. They believe this abuse can take place in any environment, such as hospitals, residential h omes or even the individuals own home. What multiple disadvantages can impact on peoples lives? Ethnicity within older age can be seen as a significant influence on the life a person leads. This is because there is a belief that older people, who are of an ethnic minority background, face a double jeopardy in society, as they are oppressed by both age and their ethnicity (Thompson, S 2005). Ray, Bernard and Phillips (2009) argue that services are institutionally racist. This is because they tend to be directed towards the majority population, which can mean that people are doubly disadvantaged. This can occur as they are not recognised within the service, and instead they are they are overlooked and treated as though they are invisible. Thompson (2005) states that the common feature of racism and ageism is that they are often susceptible to dehumanisation. This is because it is easy to categorise people as elderly or Asian, however, in reality, these terms incorporate a vast amount of people into one group who experience different religion, culture and way of life. This leaves little manoeuvre for individuality and therefore these categories should be avoided, as the person is then seen in terms of this labels and not as a unique individual. Consequently, social work should seek to recognise the barriers which face ethnic minorities who are of an older age, and attempt to work with them to overcome their disadvantage (Phillips, J, M, Ray and M, Marshall. 2006). Gender can also be seen as a key issue which can further disadvantage older people within society. Phillips, Ray and Marshall (2006) support the idea of a feminisation of aging, as older age is now seen as a predominantly female world due to the fact that women live longer than men. This can mean that women are widowed for a greater time than men, which can lead to women having to enter residential care due to being unable to support their own needs without the help of their partner (Arber and Ginn, 1991, cited in Phillips, J, M, Ray and M, Marshall 2006). Women are also seen as less likely to have private pensions compared to men, which means that they are forced to depend upon state pension (Hunt, S 2005). This can be increasingly difficult for women living alone as it becomes the only source of household income which can leave them deprived and subjected to poverty (Phillips, J.M, Ray and M, Marshall 2006). Gender stereotypes within older age can also cause detrimental effects. Wo men can be seen to be oppressed due to pressure to conform to gender roles, such as to be caring and supportive, which can mean that they are undervalued as it is seen as normal and not something which needs to be commended. However, the caring role when displayed in men receives a higher status, as it is not seen to be a typical responsibility of mans stereotypical gender role, therefore they receive greater praise and support in fulfilling the role (Rose , H and E, Bruce, cited in Thompson 2005). It is important to note that not all gender related disadvantages in older age are associated with women, as men also experience undesirable situations. For example, the male gender role is surrounded by the belief that they are the dominant, providing and protective sex. However, this expectation may come under threat in older age as work is replaced by retirement and their health declines. This can then lead to lower self-esteem as they experience a loss of role within society (Thompson , S 2005). Multiple oppression can also be experienced in regard to ageism and economic disadvantage. Social class can be an important factor within old age, as those who belong to a lower class are significantly more likely to have a lower income and to live in poverty. Being in poverty affects a vast amount of older people, and can have negative consequences as a sufficient income is a required to be able to meet a persons fundamental needs (Crawford K, and J, Walker 2001). According to Thompson (2005) if an older person has a low socio-economic status within society then they are more likely to suffer from a state of poor health. Crawford and Walker (2001) point out that this may be due to being unable to afford to heat their home or to buy nutritional food, which increases the risk of contracting an illness as well as being able to properly recover. Also, they believe that other socio-economic factors act in a way in which reinforces multiple oppression. For example, older people may be afr aid to seek medical help when it is needed due to a fear of disapproval from people of a higher and professional status, such as doctors. This can mean that an older person tolerates their condition for a longer period of time, during which it could cause their health to deteriorate. Phillips, Ray and Marshall (2006) believe that it is becoming increasingly important in modern day society to contribute to an occupational pension. This is because there is a growing inequality between older people who rely on a public pension and those with the benefit of private pension schemes. Consequently, as state pensions are low, they have to be supplemented by means-tested top up benefits in an attempt to enable older people to remain above the poverty line. What do social workers need to think about when working with these service users with particular reference to anti-discriminatory practice One crucial factor in which social workers need to think about when working with older people is to avoid ageist assumptions. For example, Thompson (2006) proposes that older people are often subjects of sympathy as they stereotyped as being lonely. However, it is important to realise that people of all ages can be lonely, it is not something reserved for the elderly. Also, many older people have good social relations, and although they live alone, this does not mean they are lonely. Therefore, within social work practice, each case needs to be assessed individually to avoid stereotypical assumptions about older age. Another aspect which social workers need to think about when working with service users is to challenge the concept of ageism. This is because there are many negative stereotypes surrounding old age, which can be seen by the disproportionate media coverage when an older person is abused and dies, and when the same happens to a child. This means, that to actively challenge the concept of aging a social worker needs to perform roles such as assessing the strengths of an older person and what they are able to do, rather than focusing on their problems and inabilities. As well as other positive functions such as advocating on the behalf of the service user, to enable them to gain access to services to improve their standard of living. This will allow the service user to overcome the discrimination and oppression which they may face (Phillips, J. M, Ray and M, Marshall 2006) To conduct good social work practice when working with older people there should be support for the service user, individual personal care tailored to their needs, and also physical assistance, especially when offering help to those who have long term illness or disabilities. There are also other factors which constitute good social work practice such as values, skills and knowledge which enable social workers to carry out anti-discriminatory practice. A value base is needed to recognise the common issues amongst older people when trying to protect their independence. Skills are needed such as being able to empower people to remain in control of their lives, to advocate on behalf of the service user, to manage risk, and to be able to communicate effectively with both the service user and their carer. And also a knowledge base, that is derived from evidence based practice, policies and similar past experiences (Ray, M. M, Bernard and J, Phillips 2009) An important factor that social workers need to consider when working with older people is the language that is used. This is because terms such as the elderly can be seen as demeaning as they have negative connotations which can be seen as disrespectful. Also referring to service users as old dears or similar names, although it is not meant to be intentionally offensive it can be seen as patronising. This can then mean that the person feels inferior due to the lack of respect shown through the language used towards them and make them feel as though they are not being taken seriously. Therefore, the language used to refer to older people needs to be carefully considered to try fight ageism, rather than reinforce it. (Thompson, N 2006) Word count: 2619

Monday, August 19, 2019

Theories Explaining Juvenile Crime Essay -- Youth Criminal

Theories Explaining Juvenile Crime Many theories, at both the macro and micro level, have been proposed to explain juvenile crime. Some prominent theories include Social Disorganization theory, Differential Social Organization theory, Social Control theory, and Differential Association theory. When determining which theories are more valid, the question must be explored whether people deviate because of what they learn or from how they are controlled? Mercer L. Sullivan’s book, â€Å"Getting Paid† Youth Crime and Work in the Inner City clearly suggests that the learning theories both at the macro level, Differential social organization, and micro level, Differential association theory, are the more accurate of the two types of theory. Two major sociological theories explain youth crime at the macro level. The first is Social Disorganization theory, created in 1969 by Clifford Shaw and Henry McKay. The theory resulted from a study of juvenile delinquency in Chicago using information from 1900 to 1940, which attempts to answer the question of how aspects of the structure of a community contribute to social control. The study found that a community that is unable to achieve common values has a high rate of delinquency. Shaw and McKay looked at the physical appearance of the neighborhoods, the average income of the population, the ethnicity of the neighborhood, the percent of renters versus owners, and how fast the population of the area changed. These factors all contribute to neighborhood delinquency. The text provides some evidence to support this theory in Table 14, †Index rankings of reported crimes in police incorporating the neighborhoods.† This chart shows Projectville ranked highest in every category except motor v... ...lton Park. For example, youths in Projectville were paid to burn down a building, while in Hamilton Park the juveniles were arrested for the same crime. In Projectville, even the police will buy stolen goods. The study discussed in the text clearly shows that crime in Hamilton Park is much lower than in either Projectville or La Barriada. The reasons for this are clearly explained by Sutherland’s two learning theories, his differential social organization theory and his differential association theory. The other theories, Shaw and McKay’s social disorganization and Hirschi’s social control theory, do have some merits, but do not apply as clearly to the neighborhoods in the study. Clearly, Sutherland’s theories of learned behavior and favorable and unfavorable definitions offer clear explanations for the crime in Projectville, La Barriada and Hamilton Park.

Sunday, August 18, 2019

Malebranches Occasionalism: The Philosophy in the Garden of Eden Essay

Malebranche's Occasionalism: The Philosophy in the Garden of Eden ABSTRACT: According to Malebranche, Adam should be considered as an occasionalist philosopher. Not only did philosophy originate in paradise, but it in fact originated as Malebranchian occasionalism. It was in order to be able to persist in his occasionalist belief that Adam was given exceptional power over his body, that is, the power to detach the principal part of his brain (i.e., the seat of the soul) from the rest of the body. It was only in continually detaching the principal part of his brain from the rest of the body that Adam was able to persist in his occasionalist belief despite the unmistakable testimony of his sense to the contrary. Having once sinned, he thereupon lost his psychophysical privilege. Whereas pre-lapsarian physiology made Adam's belief in the causal efficacy of God possible, post-lapsarian physiology, in contrast, necessarily engenders and sustains belief in the causal efficacy of bodies. It was only as a result of the post-lapsarian physiology that some o f the central problems of early modern philosophy arose. Contingent upon Adam's psychophysical privilege, occasionalism was possible only in paradise. Malebranche observes that, before the Fall, Adam knew that "only God was capable of acting on him." (1) Knowing "more distinctly than the greatest philosopher ever" (2) that God was the only true cause, the first man should thus be considered as an occasionalist philosopher par excellence. Not only, then, did philosophy originate in Paradise, but it in fact originated as Malebranchian occasionalism. However, whereas Adam knew through the light of reason that God was acting upon him, "he did not sense it." (3) What he sensed was, ... ...e puissance qu'ils /sc. les sens/ ont de tyranniser des pecheurs" (OC 1:75) is somewhat imprecisely rendered by Lennon and Olscamp as "their power of victimizing sinners"; see The Search after Truth, 22. (9) Dialogues on Metaphysics, 217. (10) See Conversations chretiennes, in OC 4:40. (11) Dialogues on Metaphysics, 194. (12) Elucidations of the Search after Truth, 581. (13) Dialogues on Metaphysics, 218. (14) Ibid., 217. (15) Conversations chretiennes, in OC 4:98. (16) See ibid., 98-99. (17) Ibid., 99. (18) Dialogues on Metaphysics, 237. (19) Conversations chretiennes, in OC 4:99. (20) The Search after Truth, 123. (21) Conversations chretiennes, in OC 4:99. (22) See ibid., 99-100; see also The Search after Truth, 123. (23) See Meditations chretiennes et metaphysiques, in OC 10:113; see also Dialogues on Metaphysics, 193.

Saturday, August 17, 2019

The Path to Happiness and Success

When I ask people what do you want out of life, the majority of people say, â€Å"I just want to be happy† or â€Å"I want to be successful† It seems like that they are not achieving anywhere near the â€Å"happiness† or â€Å"success† So It has opened me new ways of thinking. It made me think about what I want in the future and that I want to be happy and successful at the same time. It is tremendously important for people to have a definite aim of what they want because without such an aim, your life cannot move forward powerfully and progressively. It marks your first point toward success. It is what put your life into real action mode. Without this step, the other steps of achievement cannot take place. To being with, my family is one of the reasons that I am a happy person today. My family is a safe place where I can be myself. I never have to explain myself to my family because they really know who I am. I can cry too hard or laugh too loud and never worry what they will think of me. It is happy when I have a home to come back after a bad or long day. I don’t need to fear that someone may lie to me or hurt me, because I know that my family will do the best thing to me. Moreover, my family members will give me advice if I want it, but they will not judge me or make me ashamed of my behavior.When I was a kid, I always see my parents working so hard to get what they want and that they could be able to provide for me and my family. Thanks to my working-hard parents, it made me want to have a college education and be successful in order to make them more proud. My parents always ask me how I do in college and what I want to study because they just want to make sure that I am on the track to success. Even though I am struggling academically and personally, my parents always make sure that they give me greatest love and support, so that way I will know I have my family by my side.My family are my strength and inspiration, so th ey are the reason I continue to work and study hard. Also having a college experience is the most important thing that has occurred in my life and one of the reasons that I am a happy person today because college is great in the fact that it allows us to expand our knowledge, provides job connections to our chosen field, and we can gain and develop skills (organization, teamwork, time management, etc.) When I arrive at college, I was afraid because I was not sure what to do on my own and that I  would make new friends that quick but I found many that are similar with my interests, values, and even sense of humor, so it was a wonderful feeling to make new friends when you have none.Also I made connections with some college graduates and a few of the professors, which is an important aspect of the college experience because they are further along in their careers than me. When it comes time to search for a job, I am going to take advantage of it, so I can call on those in the networ k that I have built in order to make this process much easier. During my time as a student in RIT, I was starting to find a strong interest in business major that National Technology Institute for the Deaf (NTID) provides because business opens the door to a huge number of potential careers such as accountants and marketers.I completed Associates degree in NTID Business, so I plan on receiving a Bachelor of Science degree from College of Business because I want to continue learning. Also Associates degree is not enough because I want to improve myself and the standard of living for my future family through higher education. My plans are to not only use education as a tool to prepare me for a vocation, but also to help me become a self-sufficient individual who is fully prepared for life. When I completed AS degree, I applied to get in College of Business two times but unfortunately they rejected me twice. I was really upset and heartbroken because getting in College of Business was one of my goals when I starting studying business in NTID.When I was starting to realize that it’s not the end of my life and that I must move on with my life, so I decided to go with Multidisciplinary studies program. Then I choose to study concentrations in Business Administration and Public Relations because those particular concentrations will help me to understand the business world better and increase my knowledge about aspects of running a business. I always want to be involved in Business because it is a growing, dynamic field of study, which opens the door to a huge number of potential business careers, as well as enhances my access to careers in other fields. So I strongly believe concentrations in Business Administration and Public Relations will help my chosen career because it keeps my options open, both for further study and for my chosen career.I once was very uncertain about any career goals I may have had, but now, I am more sure of the direction my life is g oing. When I was young, I never really knew what I wanted to become. when I got older, I always had very high aspirations for myself so I want to own any business someday but In order to be a successful businessman, you must have a career first because it can teach me a lot of things about owning an business. Before running or owing a business, I always want to have a career in any corporate company because they provide good pay and great benefits such as continuing learning for advanced degrees, health insurance, and paid vacation.I have a strong interest in working at SHI International Corp (, headquartered in Somerset, New Jersey. It is a global provider of information technology software, hardware and professional services to small and medium businesses, large enterprises, healthcare providers, government organizations and educational institutions. My sister-in-law works at SHI corporate as an account manager. She told me that SHI International Corp has a range of di fferent job positions from accountants to marketers/salespersons and also they provide continuing learning for employees so they can study for advanced degrees.For instance, SHI pay accountants to study for accountant certification such as CPAs and CMAs only if they work full-time. Also employees can study for any Master’s degree that’s related to their careers. So my most important career goal is growth because there is never a limit for the growth of an individual in a job. In fact, even if a person becomes a CEO of a company, the next level of growth for the individual on a professional level is being an entrepreneur or becoming a proprietor. However, growth does not happen overnight, and being hard-working and committed to a job is one of the most important aspects of growing. Therefore, one should be dedicated and serious about the job.Only when I achieve consistency in my productivity, I will be able to achieve comprehensive growth on a professional level. As you can see, I want to be very happy and successful as I can be. My goals are high, and I intend to challenge myself. I cannot wait to work in the real world because I want to start to boost my success. As for my philosophy, I believe that in order to be successful, you have to want to do it, take time to do it well, and be willing to give it your all. Success is not the key to happiness. Happiness is the key to success.If you love what you are doing, you will be successful. In today’s world, there are a lot of successful people such as lawyers, doctors, and CEOs but many of them are not happy because they are not happy doing what they do or living with no purpose. So I strongly  believe that happiness is the most important thing in our lives because it is the only way that our lives can be moved powerfully and progressively.

Legality and Ethicality of Financial Reporting Essay

As the case of Excello Telecommunications is reviewed it can be seen that the CFO was facing financial difficulties due to increased competition. In 2010 the earnings estimate was not going to be met and this would have affected the bonuses, stock options, and the share prices of the Excello stocks. After discovering a large sale that was pending until the shipment could be made for the following year the CFO asked the company controller to find a way to capitalize on the sale in the current year so that the budget shortfall could be met. The only way to accomplish the task was to work around the rules of accounting. The intent to find a way around the rules presents possible legal issues. This case can be evaluated by the Sarbanes-Oxley Act and the AICPA and we look at the financial reporting standards and ethics involved. The CFO of Excello, Terry Reed, discovered that the company made a sale of $1.2 million dollars on December 20, 2010 but it could not be recorded until January 11, 2011 because the purchasing company’s warehouse capacity could not accommodate the equipment. After this discovery Reed determined that the monetary shortfall for 2010 could be solved if the company could record the sale for 2010 instead of in 2011. The Controller, Marty Fuller, for the company approached the accounting department and there were three possible ways found to work around the dilemma. The first was to transfer the product to an off-site warehouse that was owned by Excello by December 31 and hold it there until January 11 when it could be shipped to the purchaser. The second would be to transfer the product to the purchaser by December 31 and offer a full refund upon return. The third option is to offer a ten percent discount to the purchaser if they accept the product by December 31. In reviewing this case it can be seen that there are legal issues that are involved. The controller of the company is fully aware of the rules of accounting and is willing to work around them at the request of the CFO practicing earning management in an effort to achieve the company financial goal. Excello cannot legally report the income of the $1.2 million dollar sale in 2010 due to the fact that it will not be shipped until 2011. If the sale is recorded the way the CFO wants it to appear the company would be artificially inflating the profits for the year 2010. If the sale is recorded in 2010 it will be overstated earnings and will violate the GAAP for revenue recognition. The revenue recognition rule is stated so that the goods are to be delivered to the buyer before  revenue can be recorded. Falsely reporting this will artificially inflate the revenue and is deceiving to the shareholders. The Sarbanes-Oxley Act (SOX) was designed so that it could regulate the rules and regulat ions and appropriately guide companies in reporting their financial statements and performing audits. The CFO for Excello decided to use earning management practices and falsely inflate the financial statement from 2010 in order to meet the earnings estimate it and in doing so breached Section 302 of the SOX codes. Section 302 of the SOX is the Corporate Responsibility for Financial Reports and states â€Å"This section requires the certification of periodic reports filed with the SEC by the CEO and CFO of public companies. (Mintz & Morris, 2011)† The reports that will be filed by Excello for the 2010 year with the SEC will contain false information and in doing so will violate the code. The goal of the SEC is to protect activities and interests of investors, lenders, and companies. The artificial inflation for earned revenue in 2010 by Excello causes risks to the investors, lenders, and shareholders as it is fraudulent information that is reported and is an unethical practice. The unethical financial reporting that Excello considered in this case goes against the AICPA Code o f Professional Conduct. The AICPA holds Certified Professional Accountants to a high ethical standard. As the Excello Company reports revenue prematurely it violates several of the principles that the AICPA is built on. The reasoning of the decision to prematurely record $1.2 million dollars was based on bonuses, stock, and shareholders and was not done in the interest of the public. This decision could have affected the integrity of the company as the trust to the public, clients, and lenders would be broken. The decision to artificially inflate the profits for the year 2010 proves to be unethical in the terms of the AICPA. Putting the bonuses, stock options, and the share prices ahead of the public interest is unethical behavior and unaccepted by the AICPA, GAAP, or SEC. The accounting department for Excello came up with three ways that the rules of the GAAP could be bent in order to accommodate recording profits earlier than appropriate. The first was to ship to an offsite warehouse owned by Excello by D ecember 31, 2010 and ship it again on the requested January 11, 2011 date. The second was to transfer the product to the buyer by December 31 and offer a full refund if retuned to Excello. The third option was to offer the buyer a ten percent discount to take the  product by December 31, 2010. Of the three options the best alternative seems to be offering a discount if the customer takes the product by December 31, 2010. Giving discounts to a buyer is not an uncommon practice and is not an illegal practice that is defined by the GAAP or the SEC. If the product is delivered to the buyer by the December 31, 2010 deadline the sale will be legitimate and the $1.2 million dollars can be appropriately recorded in 2010. Transferring the product to the buyer before January in order to make the earnings estimate and procure the bonuses and stock options is not the most ethical reason but does not appear to be illegal. The CFO of the company asked the controller to find a way around the GAAP regulations in order to record a large sale by the end of the 2010 year that would have been otherwise legally recorded in 2011. After reviewing the GAAP regulations it is seen that recording a sale before the buyer takes ownership is a fraudulent recognition of profit. The process of recording and recognizing revenue before it is actually due is illegal in the eyes of the SEC. This artificial inflation of profits can affect the public and investors in the company. The unethical behavior of fraudulent profit recording goes against the AICPA Code of Professional Conduct as well because it puts the company ahead of the public interest. There were three options given by the accounting department to solve the issue of the year-end profit earnings. Of the three options presented, the third was to offer a discount in order for the customer to take delivery of the product by the deadline allowing for profits to be recorded legally. It is understandable that a company needs to make the earnings estimate, however it should be done legally and no CFO or CPA should consider bending the rules set forth by the GAAP. The idea of trying to work around the rules and guidelines set forth by the GAAP is unethical behavior. References Mintz, S. M., & Morris, R. E. (2011). Ethical Obligations and decision making in accounting (2nd ed.). New York, NY: McGraw-Hill/Irwin.

Friday, August 16, 2019

Systems Analysis and Design Case Study Chapter 4

Hoosier Burger a. How was the Hoosier Burger project identified and selected? What focus will the new system have? The Hoosier burger project was identified through its short-comings by the Mellankamps. The project was selected as the business grows and demand is at an all-time high, the current systems at Hoosier Burger are not getting the job done. This is causing customer discontent and is affecting business negatively. The new system is going to be heavily focused on inventory control systems.While other systems of Hoosier Burger will be looked at, an improved inventory control system will greatly increase productivity for the Mellankamps. b. Identify the Hoosier Burger project’s scope. The Hoosier Burger project’s scope is to implement new systems in inventory control, customer ordering, and management reporting systems. This project is set up to increase the overall effectiveness by introducing new and improved systems. Alternatively, a new point-of-sale system ma y be within the scope of this project as well. Petrie’s Electronics 1.Look over the scope statement. If you were an employee at Petrie’s Electronics, would you want to work on this project? Why or why not? As an employee of Petrie’s Electronics, I would want to be on this project team. The project itself is being put together with the primary goal of increasing the amount of customers the frequent Petrie’s Electronics. As an employee of almost any title with in the company, increased customer base is equally important to everyone. Sales associates will make more sales, managers will increase their monthly numbers, profits will rise, and as the tores become busier, all positions will be in full demand and lay-offs would be less likely in a thriving business. If I had the opportunity to be on the team I would, and I would want to increase all odds of the projects success. 2. If you were part of the management team at Petrie’s Electronics, would you a pprove the project outlined in the scope statement? What changes, if any, need to be made to the document? As part of management, I would approve of the current scope statement. The statement clearly outlines what the goals of the project are in the Project Overview section.This overview is then broken down into individual objectives needed to be completed in an effort for the project to meet its goals. The only thing I would like added to the scope statement would be some kind of expected outcome. Obviously the goals are increased profits by creating a customer loyalty program. What could be added is what the project is expected to cost and how much of an increase would be expected after the implementation of the project. These estimates could be easily attained by researching other companies before/after their customer loyalty programs. 3.Identify a preliminary set of tangible and intangible costs you think would occur for this project and the system it describes. What intangible benefits do you anticipate for the system? Tangible Costs: cost of project team, cost of implementing the project (rewards cards, rewards tracking software, rewards points redeemables) Intangible Costs: operational inefficiency, employee moral due to increased workload Intangible Benefits: customer loyalty, store reputation, competitive necessity 4. What do you consider to be the risks of the project as you currently understand it?Is this a low-medium-or high-risk project? Justify your answer. Assuming you were part of Jim’s team, would you have any particular risks? I think one of the biggest risks of this project is time. With having busy team members on the project, getting things done and on schedule is going to be the most difficult part of the project. Overall, I would assess this project as a low or medium risk project. Historically, the trends in customer loyalty programs in the retail industry are huge. This programs do everything that Jim’s team is set out to do.Spending enough research time into other companies’ rewards programs make this a rather easy project to streamline. As a member of the team, my assumed risks would be not being able to perform my duties as an employee of Petrie’s Electronic and as a member of the project team. If I am unable to perform these duties, it could negatively affect the security of my job with the company. 5. If you were assigned to help Jim with this project, how would you utilize the concept of incremental commitment in the design of the baseline project plan?Jim outlined some objectives in the scope statement for this project. After each of these objectives have been tackled and overcome, I would utilize incremental commitment to review what has just been accomplished, what is left to be accomplished and whether or not the project team is meeting its goals and if those goals are still in line with the companies goals. 6. If you were assigned to Jim’s team for this project, when in the project schedule (in what phase of after which activities are completed) do you think you could develop an economics analysis of the proposed system?What economic feasibility factors do you think would be relevant? After each of the objectives in Jim’s scope statement have been addressed, that is answered on paper with how they plan on accomplishing the task, would be a good time to assess economic analysis. At this time, there would be a clear understanding of what should be needed to address each objective successfully and analyzing the economic feasibility at this point would be much clearer than before. Relevant Economic feasibility factors:One Time Costs such as system development cost and hardware/software cost Recurring Costs such as data storage costs, issuing customer reward card cost, and redeeming points for rewards cost 7. If you were assigned to Jim’s team for this project, what activities would you conduct in order to prepare the details of the bas eline project plan? Explain the purpose of each activity and show a timeline or schedule for these activities. First, access all feasibilities of the project. If the project is not going to be feasible then it needs to be cut off right away.Accessing feasibilities up front will help make the project is worth it. * Economic Feasibility * Making sure the company has the money to fund the project and that the overall result of the project will aid in increasing profits for the company * Technical Feasibility * Outline what technologies would be needed to make this project successful and to make sure that the company either has access to these technologies and/or is willing to acquire these technologies. * Operational Feasibility * Assess whether or not the project’s goals are realistic.If the project’s goals are unrealistic then it’s a waste of money. Attainable goals are important. * Schedule Feasibility * Can this project be completed in a timely manner in which the company will benefit the most from the project? * Legal and Contractual Feasibility * Will implementing this project break any laws or contracts that the company is bound by? * Political Feasibility * Make sure that stakeholders understand the risk and rewards of this project. Once all feasibilities have been accessed, its time outline management issues.A plan needs to be set in place that details what all team members are responsible for and what the reporting procedures will be. This is important so that project time isn’t wasted on simple things such as figuring out how deliverables will be evaluated and what specific issues the team may face during the project. Now the system description should be written. This section will clearly mark what the project team’s system plans to deliver. This is also a good time to come up with an alternate system. Finally, the introduction of the Baseline Project Report will be written.This section will provide an overview of the entire project addressing the issues facing the project and how their proposed system will handle the issues. 8. Once deployed, what are the operational risks of the proposed system? How do you factor operational risks into a system development plan? The operational risks of this project would be that the loyalty rewards program isn’t enticing enough to keep the customer loyal to Petrie’s Electronics. On the other hand, if the program is overly enticing to the customer, this may lead to a much higher cost of maintaining the program for the foreseeable future.Throughout the development of the system, there should be applied incremental commitment. This will continuously analyze and assess where the project is at and how it can meet the goals of the company. Operational risk is something that should be addressed during each of these assessments. At some point if the risk outweighs the reward, then the project needs to be shut down. If the risk is kept in check, the proj ect can continue until the next assessment after a particular activity or phase.